The Art of Prompt Engineering - Art Style Part 2

  1. Game
    1. Stardew Valley
    2. Hollow Knight
    3. Cyberpunk
    4. Minecraft
    5. Tetris
  2. Digital
    1. Pixel Art
  3. Cinematic
    1. Bird View
    2. Close Up
    3. Head Close Up Big Nose Fisheye Shot
    4. Anamorphic

This is continue of part 1.


This is not exactly an art style but graphics in various video games has great influence on image generation

Stardew Valley

Prompt: PC Game Stardew Valley style. a lone llama in in a oasis inside a wild desert.

Stardew Valley

The game’s retro aesthetic features a vibrant, 8-bit inspired art style, with bold, solid pixels and defined edges.

Hollow Knight

Prompt: PC Game Hollow Knight style. a lone llama in in a oasis inside a wild desert.

Hollow Knight

The game art style is very stand out. A hauntingly beautiful illustration of a mysterious, ancient forest, with gnarled tree branches stretching towards the moon like skeletal fingers, surrounded by a halo of eerie mist and glowing fungal growths.


Prompt: Cyberpunk style. a llama in in an oasis

Cyberpunk Style

Dark, neon-drenched cyberpunk landscapes and characters, with gritty, industrial textures and pulsing circuitry, blending traditional sci-fi elements with gritty urban decay.


Prompt: Minecraft style. a llama in in an oasis

Minecraft Style

Minecraft’s blocky, low-poly aesthetic features simple, chunky 3D models and vibrant textures, with a focus on earthy tones and subtle lighting effects that bring its fantastical worlds to life.


Prompt: Tetris style. a llama in in an oasis

Tetris Style

Tetris’s iconic block-based aesthetic features a simple, monochromatic color scheme with geometric shapes and clean lines, creating a minimalist yet mesmerizing visual identity that has stood the test of time.


Pixel Art

Prompt: Pixel art style. a llama in in an oasis

The image offers a retro, digital aesthetic reminiscent of early video games.

Pixel Art Style


Bird View

Prompt: Bird View. a lone llama in in a oasis inside a wild desert.

Bird View

Vibrant visuals depict a lush, whimsical world from a bird’s-eye perspective, with intricate details and soft shading creating an immersive experience.

Close Up

Prompt: Close Up. a lone llama in in a oasis inside a wild desert.

Close Up

A photographic style that zooms in on the details, capturing intricate textures, subtle expressions, and minute features with striking intimacy.

Head Close Up Big Nose Fisheye Shot

Prompt: Head Close Up Big Nose Fisheye Shot. a lone llama in in a oasis inside a wild desert.

Head Close Up Big Nose Fisheye Shot

A fisheye-shot portrait taken up close results in a big-nosed and endearing image that exudes cuteness and intimacy.


Prompt: Anamorphic style. a lone llama in in a oasis inside a wild desert.

Anamorphic Style

A cinematic technique that compresses the image horizontally, creating a unique, distorted perspective with exaggerated edges and depth cues, often used in films and TV shows to create a nostalgic or retro aesthetic.

Continue to part 3
