The Art of Prompt Engineering - Art Style Part 1

  1. Historical
    1. Prehistoric Cave Painting
    2. Warli Art Simplicity Of Tribal Art
    3. Arabesque
    4. Baroque
    5. Gothic
    6. Mughal Miniature Painting
    7. Renaissance Art
    8. Rococo
    9. Qajar
    10. Ukiyo-e

Welcome to the fascinating world of prompt engineering, where the boundaries of creativity are pushed by the power of AI-driven image creation. Today, we’re diving into a whimsical exploration of how Microsoft’s Image Creator can bring your image creation in various artistic styles. I am not an art expert but learnt a lot art style through studying the image generations.

This is the first part of the prompt that define overall image style. The generated image may not fully represent the art style, it is a reference for generation only. I am not expert in art, category below are my personal preference only.


Prehistoric Cave Painting

Prompt: Time-worn and weathered Prehistoric Cave Painting Of A Llama

Prehistoric Cave Painting

Prehistoric cave painting alone cannot generate a sharp image. Adding keywords time-worn and weathered improve the image a lot.

Warli Art Simplicity Of Tribal Art

Prompt: Warli Art Simplicity Of Tribal Art.a lone llama in in a oasis inside a wild desert.

Warli Art Simplicity Of Tribal Art

The Warli art style showcases the simplicity and elegance of tribal art, featuring flat, two-dimensional patterns from an ancient human perspective.


Prompt: Arabesque style. a llama in in an oasis

Arabesque Style

Arabesque originated in the Middle East. The style generated structure that use of geometric patterns, flowing curves, and abstract shapes to create a sense of elegance and luxury.


Prompt: Baroque style. a llama in in an oasis

The Baroque style is characterized by grandiose and ornate features, such as sweeping curves, intricate carvings, and dramatic lighting, which create a sense of drama, luxury, and emotional intensity. Structure is generated with the style.

Baroque Style


Prompt: Gothic art style. a lone llama in in a oasis inside a wild desert.

Gothic Style

Gothic art, characterized by intricate stone carvings and ornate architecture, features elongated and pointed forms, such as arches, columns, and finials, which give the impression of soaring upward to touch the heavens. Structure is generated with the style.

Mughal Miniature Painting

Prompt: Mughal Miniature Painting style. a lone llama in in a oasis inside a wild desert.

Mughal Miniature Painting

Mughal Miniature Painting is an exquisite and intricate style of Indian painting that flourished during the Mughal Empire (1526-1857) and is characterized by its delicate, detailed, and ornate depictions.

Renaissance Art

Prompt: Renaissance art style. a llama in in an oasis

Renaissance Art Style

The Renaissance art style, characterized by the revival of classical Greek and Roman influences, is marked by precise and realistic depictions, often set against ornate backgrounds and featuring idealized proportions, harmony, and balance.


Prompt: Rococo style. a lone llama in in a oasis inside a wild desert.

Rococo Style

A Rococo painting typically features a delicate, ornate, and dreamy depiction, often with lush vegetation, flowing drapery, and playful figures, all rendered in soft pastel colors and intricate detail.


Prompt: Qajar art style. a lone llama in in a oasis inside a wild desert.

Qajar Art Style

Qajar art style, characterized by intricate floral patterns, geometric shapes, and bold colors, reflects the opulence and grandeur of the era, often incorporating Arabic calligraphy and ornate tilework.


Prompt: Japanese art Ukiyo-e style. woodblock print. a lone llama in in a oasis inside a wild desert.

A serene mountain landscape at dawn, with misty peaks shrouded in a soft blue haze, a few wispy clouds drifting lazily across the sky, and a tranquil forest glade below.

Ukiyo-e Style

Continue to part 2
