Open Data from Hong Kong

Open Data from Hong Kong

  1. Environment
    1. Air Quality Health Index (Common name, Air Pollution Index API)
    2. Hong Kong Observatory
  2. Others


Air Quality Health Index (Common name, Air Pollution Index API)

Below are HTML or XHTML instead of XML

Hong Kong Observatory

Channel Description Update Frequency
Weather Warning Summary Provide a summary of the weather warning(s) in force in Hong Kong (note) As necessary
Weather Warning Information Provide detailed information of weather warning(s) in force (note) As necessary
Local Weather Forecast Provide local weather forecast for today and/or tomorrow Around 45 minutes past each hour, 16:15 HKT, 23:15HKT and as necessary
Current Weather Report Provide current weather report of Hong Kong Around 2 minutes past each hour and as necessary
9-day Weather Forecast Provide 9-day weather forecast of Hong Kong Around 11:30HKT, 16:30HKT and as necessary
Quick Earthquake Messages Provide information on earthquakes of magnitude 6.0 or above worldwide, as analyzed by the Hong Kong Observatory As necessary
Locally Felt Earth Tremor Report Provide reports on earth tremors felt in Hong Kong As necessary
What’s New Provide information about new services and latest news of Hong Kong Observatory As necessary
HKO@YouTube Provide the latest weather video clip on Hong Kong Observatory’s YouTube Channel Every Friday afternoon and as necessary

API Specification in OpenAPI 3.0

Open Data Hong Kong
