Category: Development

Gsource on Mac

It is often difficult to tell how hard developers are working to non-IT folks. Usually I try to let them watch gsource. Setting up gsource on Mac is not difficult but it has several steps. First, you

Mark Six master on Linux/Mac

Mark Six is a lottery in Hong Kong. You can select 6 numbers from a pool of 49 numbers on the lottery ticket. There are numerous single-line commands that can be used to generate 6 numbers randomly f

My Fiddler Cookbook

Fiddler is my favorite debugging proxy on Windows. Usually, I use Python to write simple debugging proxy which is usually less than 30 lines until it needs https. Enabling https decryption That’s why


This is the application we built for the MasterCode hackathon 2015 Hong Kong. The application was submitted to The source code for this project can be found at  http