CLLocationManager tutorial and troubleshooting
Many developers complain Mobile application development is more difficult than web application development. They try to follow tutorials online precisely but the mobile application still doesn’t work.
Many developers complain Mobile application development is more difficult than web application development. They try to follow tutorials online precisely but the mobile application still doesn’t work.
The story begins with Swift and Go I like the beauty of Apple’s Swift language more than Google’s Go. Ok, it is subjective. Apple has Swift open source, I decided to run a simple benchmark test to hav
Apple Swift is a programming language for iOS application development at the beginning. It can be found on Mac’s Xcode. Now Apple Swift 2 is hosted on IBM Bluemix’s website (
This is the application we built for the MasterCode hackathon 2015 Hong Kong. The application was submitted to The source code for this project can be found at http
Do you like Swift, the programming language that comes with XCode 6 from Apple? You may not know, but I developed a fondness for it after writing a game with it. I am going to show you how to write a game with Swift. If you’d like to jump right into the source code of this game, you can download or clone it from GitHub
Docker has revolutionized the way we build, ship, and run applications by encapsulating them in lightweight, portable containers. Interacting with the
This is continue of part 11 Other Analytical Art Prompt: Analytical art style. a llama in in an oasis Toyism Prompt: Toyism style. a lone llama in in
This is continue of part 10. Artistic Art Nouveau Prompt: Art Nouveau Style. a lone llama in in a oasis inside a wild desert. Photo Realistic Prompt:
This is continue of part 9. Concept Precisionism Art Prompt: Precisionism art style. a lone llama in in a oasis inside a wild desert. Minimalism Art P
This is continue of part 8. Materials Gold and Luxury Prompt: Gold and Luxury style. a lone llama in in a oasis inside a wild desert. Metallic Prompt:
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