
Discover Swift: Writing a Pachinko game on iOS with Swift and SpriteKit

Do you like Swift, the programming language that comes with XCode 6 from Apple? You may not know, but I developed a fondness for it after writing a game with it. I am going to show you how to write a game with Swift. If you’d like to jump right into the source code of this game, you can download or clone it from GitHub

iOS 8 time-lapse videos

I have installed iOS 8 beta 3 on a iPhone 4s. The default camera now supports taking time-lapse videos. Taking time-lapse video in camera is very simple because you do not have any options… It takes a

Share a Coke with Neo

My friend brought me a bottle of coke with my name on it from his business trip to South Africa, You can check https://www.shareacoke.co.za/ for the available names. There are similar activities in

Testing Android Wear Integration

We have integrated a messaging app with Android Wear in an emulator. The Android Wear can receive notifications, reply to messages and initiate VoIP call through the mobile App, commen

Test your abilities in low-level hacking

https://microcorruption.com This is a simulation game that involves hacking an electronic lock. It requires a solid understanding of low-level programming. If you’re not familiar with Assembly, consid

Accelerate the Android Emulator

For a long time, the most common complaints about the Android emulator were its slow startup and operational speeds. Using the Intel Atom x86 system image helped a bit, but not much. However, last yea

Minecraft Map for Hong Kong

First, create a 5000x5000 pixel height map, where each pixel corresponds to 1 meter in Minecraft. Considering that Hong Kong spans approximately 50,000 meters (50 km) from south to north, the resultin