Mark Six is a lottery in Hong Kong. You can select 6 numbers from a pool of 49 numbers on the lottery ticket. There are numerous single-line commands that can be used to generate 6 numbers randomly from 1 to 49.
python 2
python -c 'import random; print [ random.randint(1,49) for _ in xrange(6)]'
awk -v min=1 -v max=49 'BEGIN{ srand(); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) print int(min+rand()*(max-min+1))}'
for i in {1..6}; do echo $(( ( RANDOM % 49 ) + 1)); done
jot on Mac macOS 10.13 High Sierra no longer provides jot
jot -r -s ' ' 6 1 49 | tr ' ' '\n'
However, you will soon find repeated numbers are generated from the above solutions. The trick to have non-repeated generated is using random sort from an array with 49 numbers,
python 2
python -c 'import random; a = range(1, 49); random.shuffle(a); print a[:6:]'
jot on Mac macOS 10.13 High Sierra no longer provides jot
jot 49 1 49 | gsort --random-sort | head -n 6
Using AI to write python script
Using AI to generate Python scripts is extremely straightforward. Let’s write a prompt and compare it with what we wrote in 2017. The prompt is: Write a Python script that pick six random unique numbers from 1 to 49, inclusive. Write it simple and testable.
import random
def get_random_numbers():
return random.sample(range(1, 50), 6)
The result is great! We can add AI to unit test as well.
import unittest
from your_script import get_random_numbers
class TestGetRandomNumbers(unittest.TestCase):
def test_length(self):
self.assertEqual(len(get_random_numbers()), 6)
def test_values(self):
numbers = get_random_numbers()
self.assertTrue(all(1 <= x <= 49 for x in numbers))
def test_uniqueness(self):
numbers = get_random_numbers()
self.assertTrue(len(set(numbers)) == len(numbers))
if __name__ == '__main__':
The unit test is better than many developer!