Minecraft Map for Hong Kong

First, create a 5000x5000 pixel height map, where each pixel corresponds to 1 meter in Minecraft. Considering that Hong Kong spans approximately 50,000 meters (50 km) from south to north, the resulting scale of the Minecraft map would be 1:10.

However, in Minecraft, due to visibility limitations, the terrain doesn’t quite resemble the actual Hong Kong landscape. To get a better view, you’d need to use a map viewer that allows you to see farther. Here’s the effect:

While the mountainous terrain on Hong Kong Island is somewhat recognizable, the height map’s handling of flat areas isn’t ideal—it needs some smoothing.

Now, let’s consider the next steps: Is it worthwhile to achieve a 1:1, 1:2, or 1:5 scale? Going 1:1 would be quite a trek, and a larger scale might make the streets look odd. So, it’s a balancing act! 😄

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